Friday, September 24, 2010

Lord Likely's Audio Adventure

I look outside and I see that it's another dreary rainy day...great for me as I love it, but there are some of you out there, so I thought that this might be of interest for some of you, and audio adventure to listen to!

For those who do not know who Lord Likely is a funny character who is quite the ladies man, and his astonishing adventures can be found on his website which are really entertaining read!

And now, there is an audio adventure for fans to listen to!  Part 1 of  ‘The Filching Fog of Finsbury Park' is up on the website now, and can be downloaded directly from the website..

The year is 1890, and a spate of muggings has hit London town. But these are no ordinary muggings, for the victims swear that they were actually mugged by...the fog itself!

Can it be true? Has London's fog taken to robbing the citizens? Only one man can solve this mystery, but sadly Sherlock Holmes is unavailable. Instead, it is up to drunken, lecherous aristocrat Lord Likely to attempt to save the day...

I've had a listen and I love it and cannot wait for the second part (out Monday) so have a listen and enjoy! 

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