You know there used to be a time I loved to sleep..I'd have beautiful dreams of various things (odd fact for you hear all my dreams in the last year barring last few months have always involved feathers! Oh yeah, and all my dreams have always involved something purple...odd, no?) and I would wake refreshed, sometimes relaxed and ready to take on the day.
Not any more.
For several weeks now I have had the same nightmare again and again and again, exactly the same thing and it is driving me nuts. I'm not going to go into details as it's not very nice, but it is one incident in my childhood that I would rather forget.
The only times I have had respite so far has been on evening a few nights back...and when I'm drunk, and I'm not going to become an alcoholic just so I can get a good nights sleep.
It is getting to the extent that I just do not want to sleep any more, I'd rather stay awake and go mental.
I just don't get why this would have to come up now, I really do think my subconscious truly hates me, I didn't think that was even possible.
very interesting i gave ya my suggestions dunno what else to suggest and very true not good to become an elky hope ya gets a good nights sleep soon bruv