REGULAR READERS PLEASE READ: My humble apologies for the following post, I appear to be having communication issues with some family...please disregard, normal service shall resume shortly.)
I have been having some interesting comments from my beloved sister Amy of late...
Not only am I nothing but "an evil cunt" but I apparently need to grow a set and say things behind her back, I need to say it face to face.
I have never said anything about you behind your back that I wouldn't say to your face...and if I was saying something behind your back, would I have put it somewhere where I know you can access and know you can read (you can read, right?), and all my social networks are public for all to see, I do not see the point in hiding something like that, and I have always believed honesty is the best policy.
Speaking of honesty....
You have been nothing but a lying conniving little bitch, you don't seem to be happy unless everyone is miserable and you are the centre of are nothing but a fucking hypocrite saying everything is all me me me...but destroying the family unit has made you happy, I really hope you are pleased with what you have done and the ensuing repercussions of what has been said and done.
So there you, a nice slice of honesty for you there, dear sister.
Thank-you and fuck you bitch.
P.S. If you follow Amy Eccott on Facebook, could you please please please make sure she gets this, I want her to see this is not behind her back and is open and honest.
ah sisters,... what's with them? mine only phones when she's out of money and needs smokes.